Being Belle

For Halloween this year, I wanted to be a Disney princess, because that’s the kind of girl I am. Why go creepy and scary when, for once, it’s perfectly acceptable to be a princess in public?

I originaly wanted to be Snow White, but the only cosutme I could find online that wasn’t short and sexy (really, why?) was over a hundred dollars. No thanks. Then, by chance, I found a much cheaper dress. Different princess, but I’m not picky. Belle it was!

I really did not love the way this dress was cut. I mean, Belle wears a ballgown, where was the fluff? Since I have a crinoline I never get to wear, I decided to make this dress into the shiny yellow perfection I knew it could be.


I pinned the two pieces of fabric together at the seams, then sewed a line on either sides of the pins. Then I cut between the two new lines I’d sewn and inserted a triangular piece of yellow satin. I did this for each side and in the back.


This is where I stopped taking pictures, because really, who takes that many pictures when they sew? The top part of the dress was too big, and it had a pink rose in the middle. This had to go, because Belle does not have any pink on her dress. I took in the necline/sleeve type thing, then covered it with more yellow satin.

I cut the sad excuse for a petticoat that was inside the dress, added my fluffy crinoline, and voilà! Perfection.

I attemped a Belle hairdo using the seemingly easy sock bun technique. I’m not sure I do it right, because it’s never easy. But hey, it looked ok.


I truly enjoy being a princess, and look forward to wearing this dress again. Having a party? I’ll come dressed as Belle.
