Fashion quiz

Tomorrow is December 1st, which means it is the first day of Dressember. What is Dressember, you ask? Why, only the most wonderful time of the year. It is a month of dresses. Kind of like the 12 days of Christmas, only it’s 31 days, and it’s dresses, not birds and ladies dancing (although, one will dance more while wearing a dress, it’s a fact).

Dressember used to be just about the dresses, but it’s now associated with the International Justice Mission, to help victims of violence. You can wear your dresses to raise money for a good cause. I think it’s fantastic, but since I give to different charities, I’m wearing my dresses just for fun! However, I encourage you to visit the website and make a donation if the cause speaks to you.

In the spirit of Dressember, I’ve decided to put together a fashion quiz, you know, one that will reveal your true identity with a series of multiple choice questions. Here we go, grab a pencil.

1. You’re going shopping on a Saturday afternoon. What are you wearing?

a) heels, a miniskirt and a designer bag

b) jeans, boots and a cute top

c) sweatpants and running shoes

d) a raincoat with nothing underneath

2. It’s your work Christmas party, yay! You show up wearing…

a) an evening gown, diamonds and Chanel number 5

b) a red dress, black tights and a sparkly necklace

c) the same clothes you wore to work

d) a tiara

3. You’re hopping on a plane to Costa Rica. What’s your travel look?

a) a silk skirt, big floppy hat and huge sunglasses

b) leggings and a tunic or dress

c) pyjamas

d) a bikini, so you’re ready when you get there

4. What do you wear to go running? (Pretend you go running)

a) a stylish, color coordinated outfit, including leggings, top, shoes, headband and earphones, complete with bouncy ponytail

b) whatever leggings and top were clean

c) track pants from the 90’s, the kind you can rip off like a stripper

d) a bathing suit and cap, since you’re training for a triathlon

5. It’s your day off and you’re staying home. Some knocks at the door. You answer wearing…

a)  a suit, heels and pearls

b) jeans and a t-shirt

c) an old university t-shirt,  scrunchie and maybe pants (or maybe not)

d) a bathrobe that’s not quite closed

And now, for the results of this very accurate quiz, which was researched quite thoroughly and in no way written just now, while I sit on the couch with my scrunchie and my yoga pants.

If you chose mostly a: You should wear whatever you want!

If you chose mostly b: Keep wearing what you’re wearing, you look awesome!

If you chose mostly c: Dress for yourself, and no one else!

If you chose mostly d: You freaking rock!

And now, since a post needs a picture, but I have none of Dressember, because it only starts tomorrow, here is a picture of my birthday dress. It will be making an appearance sometime during the fantastic month that is Dressember.
